
Archive for April, 2013

Acts 11:1-18
1 Now the apostles and the believers who were in Judea heard that the Gentiles had also accepted the word of God. 2 So when Peter went up to Jerusalem, the circumcised believers criticized him, 3 saying, “Why did you go to uncircumcised men and eat with them?” 4 Then Peter began to explain it to them, step by step, saying, 5 “I was in the city of Joppa praying, and in a trance I saw a vision. There was something like a large sheet coming down from heaven, being lowered by its four corners; and it came close to me. 6 As I looked at it closely I saw four-footed animals, beasts of prey, reptiles, and birds of the air. 7 I also heard a voice saying to me, ‘Get up, Peter; kill and eat.’ 8 But I replied, ‘By no means, Lord; for nothing profane or unclean has ever entered my mouth.’ 9 But a second time the voice answered from heaven, ‘What God has made clean, you must not call profane.’ 10 This happened three times; then everything was pulled up again to heaven. 11 At that very moment three men, sent to me from Caesarea, arrived at the house where we were. 12 The Spirit told me to go with them and not to make a distinction between them and us. These six brothers also accompanied me, and we entered the man’s house. 13 He told us how he had seen the angel standing in his house and saying, ‘Send to Joppa and bring Simon, who is called Peter; 14 he will give you a message by which you and your entire household will be saved.’ 15 And as I began to speak, the Holy Spirit fell upon them just as it had upon us at the beginning. 16 And I remembered the word of the Lord, how he had said, ‘John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.’ 17 If then God gave them the same gift that he gave us when we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could hinder God?” 18 When they heard this, they were silenced. And they praised God, saying, “Then God has given even to the Gentiles the repentance that leads to life.”

Psalm 148 VU 870

Revelation 21:1-6

John 13:31-35
31 When he had gone out, Jesus said, “Now the Son of Man has been glorified, and God has been glorified in him. 32 If God has been glorified in him, God will also glorify him in himself and will glorify him at once. 33 Little children, I am with you only a little longer. You will look for me; and as I said to the Jews so now I say to you, ‘Where I am going, you cannot come.’ 34 I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
• What are the words used by the pastor when applying the waters of Baptism?
• Which of the person of the Holy Trinity is most prominent in the words of the Sacrament of Holy Baptism?
• What are the special powers (job) of the Holy Spirit?
• Which person is Peter referring to when he asks: “Who am I that I could hinder God?”
• How do we Christians attempt to hinder God? (By assuming we are more special or more loved than others)

Sermon: Jesus said, “Love as I have loved.”

1. In their last night together Jesus instructs the disciples to love. He says; “They will know you are my disciples by how you love one another.”

The gospel tells us how much God loves us. God loves us so much that Jesus…God’s own son…willingly without any reservation dies for us sinners. When we seriously consider the extent of God’s love we are truly appreciative. We are grateful for God’s love and compassion for us…and try living in ways which show our gratitude to God.

2. However… we Christians quickly forget how we became believers…how Jesus dies for us while we are still sinners… It seems that no sooner after receiving our assurance of God’s love for us…we begin thinking that God’s love has limits. Rather than continuing with our grateful response…we begin looking around observing others. We notice that many are not living as we are. We look at people who are different…people …who worship differently…who start foreign wars or kill fellow citizens…who detonate bombs in crowded streets…who prey on young children abusing them…by introducing them to drugs…or exploit their sexual innocence. We reason…that God surely cannot love people who commit such disgusting and terrible crimes.

We tend to forget how God loved us…before we were ready to believe or ready to express our appreciation. When we become committed Christians…like brothers and sister strive for their parents attention…we want God to love us best. We look around at our neighbors in the world and their responses to God’s love. We think that they have to better than we were… and having to make the first movement toward God… For us they have to prove their love for God first…for God to love them. We believe that they must somehow earn it. Because we assume they are unloved by God…therefore we feel justified holding grudges against our neighbors… going to war against them, and refusing aid to people from different culture. We forget that our love for God comes out of a grateful response for how God loved us first before we were ready… while we were still sinners.

3. These thoughts are not new thoughts… They also were prevalent very early in the history of the Christian Church …even before it had received the name Christian. While the followers of Jesus were still called members of the Way… they soon began making assumptions about who God loved and who is worthy of God’s love. The earliest members…who came through their Jewish faith… They take serious Jesus instructions about loving one another…but believed that meant loving only Jewish Christians are specially loved by God.

So when Peter meets, eats, and baptizes Gentiles…they are offended. They criticize him for associating with the people who don’t follow their strict code of ethics…and their long held religious traditions. They criticize him for eating unapproved foods. They criticize him for baptizing people who are their foreign enemies. No our attitudes and thoughts are not new… they are the same for every time and place.

4. But these thoughts are not God’s…even Peter who understands better than any…must be reminded in a vision…about God’s love which extends past the believing disciples…to the whole world… It extends across religious and political boundaries. It even extends beyond humanity to everything and every organism that God has created. Though his every fiber resists…God persists. Eventually…but not until he is reminded how God created everything and everyone…Peter learns the wideness of God’s love. He learned how narrow his world view has been…and how that is a hindrance to the Holy Spirit’s purpose for the world.

Because Peter asked; “Who am I in God’s world?” …and because he learned the wideness of God’s view…we Gentile Christians have been called and have also learned more about God’s view. Today like Peter we too are called to see the world through God’s eyes. As Jesus instructs his disciples to love one another… we too are called to love one another. As Peter learns in his vision… we too are called to see and understand the width and extent of God’s love. We too are called to love as Jesus loves… who loves the world so much that he willingly dies…for sinners and enemies of God.

5. This is difficult…it is difficult to put our prejudice aside… It is difficult for us to love people with different religious traditions…as Jesus loves. It is difficult for us to understand how God could love bombers who kill innocent bystanders…as Jesus loves. It is difficult for us to love low paid garment workers enough to demand safe working conditions…
It is difficult for us to love our closer neighbors…who have fallen through the cracks…and are living on the streets…or who have fallen prey to addictions. It is difficult for us to love as Jesus loves.

6. As Peter remembers let us also remember that the Spirit works in us first…before we are ready. Let us open our hearts for the Spirit of God who is working in us. Let us open our hearts and not hinder God’s work…which is also meant for everyone. And let us rejoice and praise our God…for loving and calling all sinners… who are not yet ready. Let us love open our hearts to love as Jesus loves. Thanks be to God. Amen

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Acts 9:36-43
36 Now in Joppa there was a disciple whose name was Tabitha, which in Greek is Dorcas. She was devoted to good works and acts of charity. 37 At that time she became ill and died. When they had washed her, they laid her in a room upstairs. 38 Since Lydda was near Joppa, the disciples, who heard that Peter was there, sent two men to him with the request, “Please come to us without delay.” 39 So Peter got up and went with them; and when he arrived, they took him to the room upstairs. All the widows stood beside him, weeping and showing tunics and other clothing that Dorcas had made while she was with them. 40 Peter put all of them outside, and then he knelt down and prayed. He turned to the body and said, “Tabitha, get up.” Then she opened her eyes, and seeing Peter, she sat up. 41 He gave her his hand and helped her up. Then calling the saints and widows, he showed her to be alive. 42 This became known throughout Joppa, and many believed in the Lord. 43 Meanwhile he stayed in Joppa for some time with a certain Simon, a tanner.

Psalm 23
1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside still waters;
3 he restores my soul. He leads me in right paths for his name’s sake.
4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me;
your rod and your staff– they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD my whole life long.

• What do you think of the miracle stories recorded in the Bible? Real or not.
• Tell me about any miracle stories.
1. Bible stories like the healing of Tabatha are sometimes quite confusing to us. We have difficulty believing that it happened as it is recorded in the Bible. We have difficulty believing that mere humans… even if disciples can pray and speak to a dead body… and the person would return to life. Oh we have heard and read the stories about people returning from the dead. And we believe that God is powerful and can do anything…but it is harder for us to believe that a disciple or believe can invoke God’s power…in such a way.

The story about Tabatha poses some difficult questions for us. We wonder why she in particular has been brought back to life. If God truly wanted to be known and if God wants us to believe… then it make perfect sense that God grant more miracles. More miracles would be the ideal means for convincing us…and help us skeptics to believe in God. We also wonder why God heals one person… but not the next.

2. Needing answers we look for them in the story…and those who are involved. First we examine Peter…the one…who is praying for God’s favor. We reason that because Peter is one of the twelve…God is more likely to answer his prayers…then the prayers of ordinary people like us. After all he is a close companion to Jesus…who heard his teaching and shared in his life. Because he is a friend and disciple… we feel that Peter and the other disciples maybe have earned the right to be heard and have their prayers answered.

When we consider ourselves we wonder whether it is us…whether because of us God doesn’t answer our prayers… Maybe we don’t have enough faith … Maybe we have not prayed often enough… Maybe we have done something which upsets God. We wonder is it possible that only worthy people must do the asking.

3. A second person concerns the person needing God’s intervention. We wonder whether that person leads and exemplary life…and earn the right for God’s actions. This seems to be the case…according to the account of Tabatha’s resurrection. Similar to Peter…Tabatha is also a disciple of Christ devoted to good works and acts of charity. Her acts of charity include generously sewed tunics and other clothing for widows. The tears of the widows and the appreciation for the clothes she made show that Tabatha’s generosity comes from deep inside straight from her heart. One could possibly conclude that her life is spared because she is a disciple devoted to good works and acts of charity.

4. The third character of this healing story is a group of people. It is the friends and the widows gathered around Tabatha’s death bed. They are devoted to Tabatha… In deep mourning they gather remembering… and weeping… and for preparing her body for burial. They remember all the good she has done for the community. In her honor they are wearing the clothing she made for them. And hearing that Peter is near they send for him…hoping that he can do something for her.

Based on the participating characters…the story seems complete. According to this account it seems that God answers the prayers prayed by disciples…or people with a close relationship to God. It seems that God answers prayers prayed for good and charitable people. Finally it seems that God answers prayers prayed by close friends or people who love the one needing prayer.

5. However this does not answer all the questions we have. What if the one praying has a close relationship to God? What if the one in need of prayer is good and charitable? What if caring friends and family pray? What if these are all present and the desired healing does not happen…what then?

6. Like the people of Jerusalem around Jesus asking for answers…we too ask…maybe even plead with God; “What about us?” Tell us for sure that we are your people and that you care about us. Show us a sign that you are our Good and merciful shepherd. Show us a sign that you love and care for us cared for Tabatha. Heal us as you healed her. Show us and tell us so we will know for sure.

7. When asked that question…Jesus tells the people of Jerusalem and us…I have told you and I have showed you but you still can’t believe. Jesus is not the only one who has told us about God’s love. Long before his birth the writers of the Bible spoke often about God’s love… Some repeated words received directly from the mouth of God. And some wrote about their experiences with God. Our most widely known Psalm 23 praises Yahweh the good shepherd…ensuring us that God fills our every daily need. But God much farther than giving us food and drink…and places to live. The writer assures us that God is also with us during our most difficult times…even when fear fills our hearts:
“Even though I walk
Through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me.
Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”

8. I have been privileged to read some modern miracle stories during recent months… Two were about young boys who should have never survived…one infection from appendicitis and one a car accident. The most recent story about Kristin Millar was in the latest issue of “The Observer”.

In all these stories prayer and trust that God was working was central. While the family and friends have witnessed something extraordinary…Doctors are at a loss trying to scientifically explain it. In all the stories God assured and comforted the parents and the children that God was in charge.

9. In our weekly scripture song we sing “Open my Eyes”, “Open my Ears”, and “Open my Heart”. Jesus tells the people of Jerusalem to open their eyes, ears, and hearts. He says if people look carefully at what he has been doing…we will see the hand of God at work. We will see God acting like a shepherd, walk along and guiding us through the valley of the shadow of death. When we hear Jesus speaking we will recognize his voice…as sheep recognize the voice of their shepherd.
Being able to see God’s work…and being able to hear God’s voice and follow…is probably evidence of the grandest miracle of all. That miracle is opening our heart to God, and having faith in our God. This miracle is larger than any miracle of physical healing. The miracle is…that while we did not want anything to do with God…God’s Son Jesus comes sacrificing his life to turn us toward God… giving us eternal life. The greatest miracle happens…when we open our hearts to receive all the love God offers to us through Jesus. This great miracle allows us to fully trust God enabling us to put our lives completely into those loving hands. It makes all other miracles unnecessary… because whether we live or die…God is with us.

“God’s rod and staff comforts us.
Goodness and mercy will follow us;
all the days of our lives.
And we will live in the house of the Lord
for the rest of our days.”

Thanks be to God. Amen.

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Simon Peter said to the other disciples, “I am going fishing.” They said to him, “We will go with you.”
9 When they had gone ashore, they saw a fire there, with fish on it, and bread. 10 Jesus said to them, “Come and have breakfast.” 14 This was now the third time that Jesus appeared to the disciples after he was raised from the dead. John 21:1-14 (NRSV)

1 Then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to the LORD:
“I will sing to the LORD, for he has triumphed gloriously.
2 The LORD is my strength and my might, and he has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise him,
my father’s God, and I will exalt him. Ex 15:1-2 (NRSV)

Life is more than food, and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? 27 Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, 29 yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these. 30 God clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow, will he not much more clothe you. And can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life? Matthew 6:25-30 (NRSV)
5 And you shall take fine flour, and bake twelve cakes. 6 And you shall set them in two rows, six on a row, upon the pure table before the LORD. 9 And they shall be Aaron’s and his sons’; and they shall eat it in the holy place: for it is most holy for him of the offerings of the LORD. Leviticus 24:5-10 (KJV)

10 According to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master builder I laid a foundation, and someone else is building on it. The work of each builder will become visible. 1 Corinthians 3:10-16 (NRSV)

1. We are gathered here to remember the life of Dolores Watier. It is difficult to share a person total life in a few minutes. Dolores is remembered for her many passions and accomplishment. Coming from a large family; for her family was always important. As a wife, daughter, sister and auntie… Dolores valued her family. She visited and spoke often about her parents…and mourned with her mother over her losses… After her mother’s death Dolores was able gather the rest of the family to visit and pray at the grave site of her infant sister. She followed her brothers on the chuck-wagon circuit cheering each of their accomplishments. When we became a friend you were considered family…and even though we may not remember being introduced we were expect to know her as well as she knew them.

During their leisure time…Dolores and Ed enjoyed Classic Country music. They liked the older style the songs with a little twang to them. Their dish was set to hear tunes from Johnnie Cash, Hank Williams Sr., Patsy Cline, and so on. They also enjoyed Old Time Dance Music…

They also liked playing games of chance. Dolores was quite competitive wanting to win. They played card games like; Black Queen, Stupid Sticks, and Wizard. On every second Wednesday … with a group of other Bingo fanatics … they played Lions Bingo. They regularly they travelled to the Northern Lights Casino in Prince Albert where they could combine the two… They listened to the Happy Wanderers, Banick Country and many others who play old time music.

2. Dolores liked crafting type projects. She has a photo album full of pictures recording all the special cakes that she made and decorated for weddings, birthdays, and anniversaries… for many people from the community. She also crafted special wood products…and gave away for fund raising purposes.

3. Work was important to Dolores. She went out working after finishing her grade eight. She has worked at many jobs over the years since. She preferred jobs where she was outside and where she was working with her hands. For many years Dolores worked in a non-traditional position for Shell Lake Housing… She was the maintenance person…cutting the grass, cleaning the sidewalks, and repairing and replacing. If it needed doing she did it. She took courses so she could work with the boiler. She was not afraid to tackle anything… to difficult or impossible didn’t exist for her. Dolores took these learned skills home with her… doing all the repairs and maintenance around home.

For the last eight years Dolores worked on the golf course… once again working alongside men. She worked as hard if not harder than any of them. She always had a cheery wave and a few words for the golfers she knew. She also had a few moments for listening to a story.

4. Dolores’ most recent accomplishment was transforming a piece of bush beside Little Shell into a home away from home. Ed cleared the old bush. She put up a filleting shack. She made the camp kitchen. Ed made the fire pit…where she cooked camp fire food. Fishing and serving camp fire fish to guests became an important part of their place down at Little Shell.

5. Today we remember her strength and determination. But we also remember how during the last few months how her strength and energy waned. We were shocked to see this strong person weaken and be wracked with such unrelenting pain. It was hard to watch and believe the changes which were happening so quickly.

6. Considering that Dolores was gifted and thrived when thinking her way through challenges…strangely…she was also easily frightened. Her actions in the face of danger were impulsive and could have often led her into far greater danger.
Also since she was so strong throughout her life…when her body started to weaken and she learned more about her sickness… Dolores was filled with fear. Fear paralyzed her afraid to share her condition. She was afraid to tell Ed… her family… and her friends about her fears and worries. She was afraid to ask for help. She was afraid that no one would understand… so she wanted to keep the news from any one. Carrying this burden became very heavy for Dolores… almost unbearable. She asked helplessly; “Why me… why me?

I struggled searching my mind for wise words which could help Dolores. Suddenly Jesus spoke saying; “Dolores has two choices… she can choose to carry this heavy burden by herself…or she can hear the words I offered the people who came to me for healing”

28 “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 (NRSV)

Dolores chose to take these words of Jesus to heart…and learned how true they were. Her huge burden was lifted. Suddenly she was unafraid to share her condition. She told everyone as soon as there were new developments. While her physical health continued rapidly declining… the burden became remarkably light. And she learned that friends, family, and even acquaintances were more than willing to share her burden. Without being asked they came with gifts of food…cleaning her house…bathing her…washing her clothes…taking her where she needed to go. Even in her last days Dolores planned changes for the house, planned this spring’s garden…and faced the future with this renewed strength… From her hospital bed she willingly offered to help carry the burdens of others saying; “Come and cry with me for a while.”

7. Dolores will be missed. It is hard to imagine going to the golf course…and not see her on her mower cutting grass …that she won’t be at her table dabbing her Bingo cards…that she won’t be making changes and improvements to her campsite…hosting her camp fire meals. Dolores will certainly be missed by her family and friends.

8. Knowing what we know about how God and Dolores have similar passions…I have a picture of her in her new home with Jesus… It is oddly familiar. They are sitting by a camp fire listening to Patsy Cline on the radio. They are sharing fishing stories… Jesus suggests; “You could try the other side of the boat.” She replies; “I always do just as soon as someone else catches a fish on that side.” They both laugh. Then she is serious for a moment saying to Jesus; “I love this new place…and by the way thanks for sharing and lightening my burden. From you I have learned a new Why me?” Jesus just smiles… What a peaceful picture they make together. Amen

Special Music: Gilles Francoeur; Why Me Lord? by Chris Kristopherson

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John 20:19-31
19 When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” 20 After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. 21 Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” 22 When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”
24 But Thomas (who was called the Twin), one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. 25 So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe.” 26 A week later his disciples were again in the house, and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were shut, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” 27 Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe.” 28 Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!” 29 Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.”
30 Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book. 31 But these are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name.

Sermon: “The doors of the house were locked for fear.”

1. The word, “Fear”…conjures up in us …a whole range of emotions and makes us do things we normally would not…
• Fear of discovery…causes us to go to great lengths to hide our wrong doings…It caused King David to try and hide an adulterous affair…through deceit and when that fails he murdered an innocent man … It causes us to sit in the dark out of sight…Hoping we won’t be seen.
• Fear for our personal security…causes us to bolt our doors…and pull the window shades… It keeps us from opening the door to a stranger, who may desperately need our help… It causes us to walk by or close our eyes while someone is being victimized…
• Fear for our little children… causes us to teach them to be afraid of strangers… and not to trust people… even when the person is trying to help.
• Fear for our own safety… causes us to turn a blind eye to domestic disputes… or it keeps us from stepping between two people who are arguing or fighting… It keeps us from jumping into the freezing water …or a burning building to rescue people we don’t know.
• Fear of being the next victim… keeps us standing silently by while injustice reigns. It closes our mouths so we or our families won’t be next.
Fear is a paralyzing and self destructive force… which also consumes the disciples three days after the death of Jesus. Fear has them trembling and locking themselves into a house…away from prying eyes. Fear… keeps them from seeing what God is doing…and God’s desires for the world. It keeps them from living joy-filled and contented lives.

2. Today…into the locked house…where the disciples are huddled in fear…Jesus the one who was executed on Friday… comes in and stands among them… They are shocked and amazed and maybe even filled with fear…at his appearance… Seeing Jesus reminds them… of their promises to follow Jesus…even to die with him if they have to…and how instead they fled when Jesus was arrested… At this moment of seeing Jesus… fear of the authorities is probably not the only thing on their minds… What if Jesus should punish them here at this instant for their desertion?

3. Into these hearts filled with fear… hearts filled with guilt … hearts filled with regret… Jesus speaks God’s wishes which is; “Peace be with you.” In case they don’t hear him or they don’t believe his intention…Jesus repeats himself saying; “Pease be with you.” With these few words…Jesus invites the Disciples and us also… to see into the mind of God…to see God’s true desire for us. In these few words we hear…God’s desire for us…which is for us to truly experience true peace and contentment… This peace and contentment is found within a loving and trusting relationship. Such a relationship opens our hearts to believe… that our God desires the best for us… where fear does not consume or paralyze us. God wants us to believe in Jesus’ desire for our peace and contentment.

4. We might ask; “How do we find this inner peace? How do we do we develop a trusting relationship with our God? The answer to this question isn’t very difficult at all. God does the work. Before we do anything…and when there is no reason for it…God begins the process for creating our trust and our love. God begins by first loving us… with an unconditional love. This begins at the very beginning of our lives during the creative act… when life begins for us. It continues with God always ready and willing to forgive…even before we realize that we need forgiveness. Jesus is sent to physically show us how God’s forgiveness works… He begins with the people closest to him. He announces peace and forgiveness to the disciples who broke their promises to him. Forgiveness and peace go hand in hand… we need to feel forgiven before we are able to feel contented and at peace.

5. But God wants “more”. God does not want this peace and contentment to be possessed by just a few people. God doesn’t want peace hoarded by the disciples or by us. God desires true peace and contentment to be experienced by all people. So after he repeats; “Peace be with you.” …for the second time…Jesus continues; “As the Father sent me, I am sending you.”

This is how we can get in on God’s plan for our community and the world. As Jesus announces God’s peace to the disciples…who have fearfully locked themselves behind closed doors…Jesus tells them this is your job now. “As the Father sent me, I am sending you.” Into this fear-filled world… where inner-peace is hard to find… Jesus sends the peace-filled and contented to announce God’s forgiveness and God’s desire for peace.

6. Even though God wishes that all people know about this forgiveness and peace…it is difficult for people to believe that it is true. There is a real resistance to accept God’s good news… A prime example of how hard for people to believe…is also found among those closest to Jesus. Thomas…a disciple…stubbornly refuses to believe …even though the others eagerly tell him; “We have seen the Lord.” He will not believe in the peace Jesus offers …when it is announced by his colleagues. If it is hard for one so close to Jesus to believe…it isn’t hard to understand why there is so much fear, and so little true peace and contentment for so many people.

Because there is resistance to receiving the announcement of God’s peace…we feel inadequate… and many times don’t wish to be partners in God’s plan. We want to avoid announcing God’s good news and free gifts of forgiveness and peace. But there’s the rub… Then our peace disappears when we pass up opportunities to share God’s wishes. The feelings of peace are replaced with feelings of guilt and fear. Peace only continues when we pass it on.

7. Without God’s assistance it is difficult to share the good news. But Jesus does not send us out without help. Today Jesus breathes on the disciples and says; “Receive the Holy Spirit.” Through the Holy Spirit we are inspired to believe…we are strengthened to withstand resistance… and we are made bold to proclaim God’s good news for everyone.

8. Let us always be joyful and thankful for what Jesus does for us. And let us enthusiastically join God’s plan…sharing the good news with all people. Thank you God for all you do for us. Amen

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